The Ocellated Tapaculo, a bird with a distinctive appearance with a white spot around its belly and an orange head, is very difficult to spot in the wild

Found in the Andean highlands of South America, the Ocellated Tapaculo (Acropternis orthonyx) is a unique and stunning species of bird. This bird is distinguished by its distinctive appearance. 

Its body is covered in striking black-and-white patterns, and it has noticeable white patches on its wings and back, which give it the illusion of being “ocellated” or having eyes. It also sports a bushy tail that it frequently flicks while navigating through thick underbrush, as well as a vivid rufous-brown underbelly.

Ocellated Tapaculos are renowned for their reticent lifestyle, usually hiding in the dense undergrowth of cloud forests. However, their loud, intricate melodies frequently reveal their existence before they are actually observed. These birds live on the ground, where they hunt amid leaf litter for insects and other small invertebrates to eat.

The Ocellated Tapaculo is threatened as a result of its unique habitat needs and the growing deforestation in some areas of its range. To preserve both these unusual and mysterious birds and the abundant variety of the Andean forests they live in, conservation measures are crucial.