One of the rare bird species indigenous to the Comoros Islands, the Comoros Blue Vanga is named for its amazing blue plumage

Near East Africa, the Comoros Islands are home to the Comoros Blue Vanga. This bird lives in tropical forests and mangroves and has beautiful blue plumage. 

Male birds have white patches on their wings and are darker blue than females. They are one of the islands’ most important birds, contributing to the ecosystem.

Comoros Blue Vangas eat a variety. Small insects, spiders, and other invertebrates in upper tree tiers are its diet. It occasionally eats seeds and tiny fruits. It can fly quickly and navigate dense foliage to hunt in forests. Despite its isolation, this adaptation helps the species maintain a steady population.

 Comores Artamie. Vangidé family. Order: Passériformes

Comoros Blue Vanga numbers are falling, causing concern. Overexploitation of island resources and habitat loss are the main culprits. The survival of this uncommon bird depends on protecting its environment, even though it is not endangered.