The Purple-bearded Bee-eater is easily recognized by its striking iridescent plumage and its deft habit of removing bee stingers before feeding by rubbing them against a tree branch

Purple-bearded Meropidae bee-eaters, often known as Celebes Bee-eaters, are near passerine birds. It is native to Sulawesi, Indonesia, and lives in several habitats.

These bee-eaters are remarkable. Their rich purple throat and emerald crown contrast nicely with their mostly green body. This vibrant plumage helps them blend in their lush jungle homes.

The Purple-bearded Bee-eater eats mostly bees and other flying insects. They are skilled at catching insects in flight, frequently acrobatic. Their long, narrow bills are ideal for grabbing and eating food, making hunting easier.

 Bee-eaters usually behave in pairs or small groups. Their unusual sounds resound through the forest as they converse. In March to June, they build nests in tunnels excavated into soil banks or termite mounds to lay their eggs.