The Diamond Firetail (Stagonopleura guttata) is a small, beautiful finch native to southeastern Australia. Known for its striking plumage, this bird is characterized by a unique combination of colors: a bright red bill, a white throat, and a series of diamond-like white spots adorning its black flanks, which give it its name.
The bird’s overall body color is a soft grey, while its tail and lower breast are accented with bold black and red, making it a standout among Australia’s grassland birds.
Diamond Firetails are typically found in open woodlands, grasslands, and areas with scattered shrubs, where they can forage easily. Their diet mainly consists of seeds, especially from native grasses, but they also consume insects and larvae, especially during the breeding season when they need extra protein to support their young. These birds are social and often seen in pairs or small groups, foraging on the ground or resting in trees.