Long Lifespan: Long-billed Corellas have a 40-year lifespan in the wild and an even longer lifespan in captivity

A spectacular white cockatoo from southeastern Australia is the Long-billed Corella (Cacatua tenuirostris). The long, narrow beak of this bird is ideal for…

The Western Hooded Pitta is a vibrant bird, known for a distinctive green body with a black head and a bright red belly. The contrast of colors makes it easily recognizable in its natural habitat

Colorful Western Hooded Pittas are highly recognizable. The name comes from its bright emerald-green body and black hood-like head. Its blue wings and…

Sophie Rain is confident in possessing the body shape every girl desires

Sophie Rain exudes confidence, showcasing a body shape that resonates with the desires of many. Her self-assured demeanor reflects not only physical beauty…

Amid rumors of having a child with someone else, Rick Ross surprised Cristina Mackey with an expensive Maybach and private jet

Recent celebrity relationship developments have piqued fans’ interest. Rick Ross was photographed being embraced by a girl next to his Maybach jet at…

Taylor Hill wears a tight white short showing off her perfect body

Taylor Hill wears a tight white short showing off her perfect body     . . . .